Nehru aka 'Rrrru.

Nehru Nodu
WoL & Wod
Witch Healer

Fall seven times,

stand up eight.

"To be soft is to be powerful" -'Rrrru


"If you can be anything, be kind"

Name: Nehru Nodu (Mhotkho)
Age: 31.
Race: Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon.
Nameday: 30th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon. (08.29)
Zodiac sign / Guardian: Virgo, Nophica, the Matron.
Gender: Non-binary.
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Pansexual-Polyamorous
Animal totem: Owl

Height: 157cm - 5'1
Weight: 47kg
Hair color: Blackcurrant
Eye color: Purple then Amber
Skin tone: Tanned
Notable features: Tribal mark on face, Floral tattoo all over their body + symbols on hands. Large scars on left eye, abdomen, right thigh and burn on left shoulder.

Job: Soulbloom-Mainly Whm mixed with Smn/Sch, Alchemy, monk & war.
Origin: Sharlayan-Dravanian hinterlands (aka Emporium)
Home: Mist
Affiliation: scions of the seventh dawn & Independent healer herbalist-apothecary
Marital status: Married- Closed throuple

d&d alignment: Chaotic - Good.
mbti: Infj-T
Likes: Magic, books, herbs/plants, forest, night, sex, friends & ofc theirs spouses.
Dislikes: What harms freedom, cruelty, traitors, negativity, close minded spirit.
Virtues: Kindness, authenticity, caring, gratitude, determination, love.
Flaws: Stubborn, sarcastic, grumpiness, dirty talk, obsessive

A sensitive soul with a warrior spirit


Nehru is a caring, bright, open-minded, and passionate person with a strong temperament, authentic, stubborn, they are eccentric with a playful side and doesn't mince their words.
Optimistic and determined by nature, Nehru is loyal, extremely empathetic with a big heart and endowed with great inner strength as well as an unfailing fighting spirit.
Their bright side and strength comes partly from their father and also from life and the things they have going through.
This also brings out a more tormented side of them… with their amnesia, flashbacks… and other symptoms of PTSD that weakens them and feeds their demons. Their empathy, which is a real gift, can also be a burden because they're hypersensitive to the emotions of others and absorbs negative energies that are sometimes difficult to get rid of.
To help them deal with this they immerse themselves in reading, meditation, gardening and practicing magic, finds solace in their loves Vi and Raha, but also in their guilty pleasures such as drinking good whiskey and smoking.
To let off steam, they train in combat and regularly go to the forest to recharge their batteries. Even if they can be friendly, they doo not befriend easily and can take time to trust. They carefully analyze the other person and every detail to make sure of their intentions and the beauty of their soul. Don’t try to fool them, they hate it.
They can’t stand bad people who would abuse others, seeing someone abused makes them really angry, their loves and friends are the most precious thing to them, wanting to hurt them is a big mistake and can make them ruthless.


Ability 1: Healing gift. they were born with a powerful healing gift. In harmony with this gift and their aether. They develop this gift and work ceaselessly, with care and love.
Ability 2: Smell & hearing senses over developped.
Ability 3: Empath. They feel deeply every emotions, their own, but also those of others. They see almost everything you don't say and don't show. It is both a blessing and a curse.
Ability 4:'Rrrru feels the energies of the elementals in the Shroud, hearing them as whispers. Connected, they know how the forest is doing even at a distance. Also 'Rrrru can perceive someone's aether by touching with their hands, their hands who are their main healing tool.

They're the type of flower that can still grow after a forest fire

social skills★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆

Addicted to hope

And flashback hurt

"To be soft is to be powerful"

Their story.

LORE : story background

Nehru was born in Sharlayan, more precisely in the annex called Emporium in the Dravanian Hinterlands. Both of her parents had very active professional lives, their mother, Toku, was an aetherology researcher and sage, and their father Kurho’a an arcanist and alchemist.
Nehru showed real ability in healing magic and a great interest in elementalism and alchemy at an early age. They quickly realized that they had special abilities: an overdeveloped sense of hearing and smell with real empathy and the ability to communicate with animals.
They're very close to their father and older sibling Toku'To, but not to their mother, a monster.
Their mother was tyrannical and oppressive, saying she didn't want a daughter and refusing to allow Nehru to develop their abilities in white magic and their interest in elementalism. To her, communicating with the forest was useless and a discipline for fools. She rarely let them leave the family home except to go to school and gave them orders to help with her work.
Nehru had almost no freedom, was not allowed to mix with others or socialize.

The only things she let them do freely were to spend time with their sibling at home, work with their father, and practice alchemy. Nehru's father and older sibling were their refuge, they loved to share their common passion for elementalism in secret, their father taught their kids everything he knew about alchemy and also some combat skills in hiding.
Faced with the situation with their mother, Ino their sibling felt powerless and could not challenge the authority of their mother, the head of the family. They themselves feared her and could not act to help Nehru, so they did the best they could to support them and ease their little sibling day. It was the same for Nehru's father, even if he seemed to be able to calm their mother's anger from time to time.
All 3 of them were accomplices and it is him who transmitted to Nehru and Ino a sunny and strong personality (Toku'To is the real name of Nehru's big sibling but Ino hates it for some obvious reasons. Ino prefers to be named by their grand-mother name instead: Ino).
Fortunately for them, their mother never caught them... except once...

One day Nehru, exhausted from being locked up almost all the time, decided to disobey and go for a walk in the forest while their mother was away.
They're young and inexperienced and despite their precautions, advice and lessons from their father, they came face to face with a Miasis, agile they escaped but not without pain because they're seriously injured in the left eye by a scratch.
They returned home with difficulty, making sure that nobody crossed them, otherwise their mother's anger would have been worse, they who was so keen on appearances....
Luckily for them, their father came home at the same time and gave them first aid with skill, love and kindness. Without him and his care, Nehru would have lost their eye.
Their mother didn't say a word for several days, leaving an icy and heavy atmosphere, Nehru's stomach was even more knotted than usual.

Then one day she asked Nehru for an explanation. Or rather, they ordered them to. Nehru seethed and did not hide the truth as they explained that they NEEDED to go to the forest to breathe and connect. At this point Nehru was at their wits' end, and this was the first and only time they defied their mother's authority by responding in this way. In a fit of anger, their mother violently threw the vial she had in her hand in their face, which reopened and aggravated the wound in their eye.
Once again, it was their father who took care of Nehru and healed them for several weeks, combining arcane healing methods and alchemical potions with the help of Ino, who almost never left their side, to protect them.
Nehru never knew what their father said to their mother, they and Ino heard them arguing for hours, but their mother hardly spoke to Nehru, showing a shameful and guilty face every time she looked at them; her "daughter".

Shortly after this event, the exodus to the original Sharlayan lands took place and the whole family returned to the Old Sharlayan, Nehru was 13 and Ino 15 .
During the next 10 years, Nehru's life was calmer, their mother was not as severe and cold as ever but calmer.
Although she still forced Nehru to stay at home, with the same activities, but her violent outbursts were rarer, Nehru was no longer constantly humiliated.
When they're 18, a classmate approached them. Vi. A person with a gentle heart and a strong temperament.
Nehru, with their tight heart, could not get close to anyone because of their mother and the tyrannical rules imposed on them.... But this was without counting on the intervention of their big sibling and father with their mother. They're finally able to get some 'freedom' and live their love with Vi.

Despite the restrictions and rules imposed by Nehru's mother (2 hours of free time with Vi on weekdays after school & on Saturday afternoons, only outside near the house), it was a powerful and solid love. They were full of dreams and projects in a healthy and wonderful relationship.They were content with what they had, happy to be together, loving each other more than anything. And they improvised to make every moment a way of bonding and strengthening their love.
Then one day, thanks to the father, the whole family had the opportunity to go on a trip to Gridania because his help had been requested for his expertise in alchemy and mycology.
It was going to be a long journey, but Nehru and Ino enjoyed the new and were excited about it.
But the family never arrived in Gridania.

The calamity hit them while they were on the road in the Thanalan, through which they passed in order to make a detour to Ulda’h to buy some ingredients. While trying to find a safe place, debris from Dalamud's impact slammed into the front of their vehicle, killing Nehru's parents instantly and throwing Nehru and Ino several feet away from the impact.
Ino was almost immediately rescued by one of the rescue teams looking for survivors, then taken to the nearest hospital with a severe abdominal wound but survived.
Nehru was not rescued until 24 hours later by another rescue team because of being hidden under some fragments.
They awoke from a coma 2 months later. Amnesia. Alone.
No memory of their past life and only one certainty: a piece of their family name that she thought was ...kho ... something … and first name Nehru engraved on their damaged grimoire that they always carried with them, now their only possession.
This was followed by months of wandering and difficult survival, without a home, without family, in precariousness.

Accompanied by confused flashes of their past life, nightmares and other symptoms of PTSD, not facilitating their daily life and recovery, they fought to survive, acting with determination and calm plus their ability to practice alchemy and to use white magic remained intact. This is often what happens in some cases of amnesia: skills remain intact even without remembering where they came from.
Nehru's overdeveloped hearing and smell senses were also intact, and even more powerful than before, strangely enough.
That plus the recipes and other rituals noted in their grimoire, -at least the one they could decipher on the intact pages- enabled them to bounce back quickly, because they started to make their own concoctions and other remedies to sell them on the sly around the town of Ulda’h. (even if some of which are considered illegal)
This has not been without certain excesses of drinking and smoking, sometimes too much, to escape their mind, calm the pains and darkness in their heart.

However one day the destiny will put to them someone on the road who will illuminate their way... ( that is detailed elsewhere in the gpose fic)
Also as did their skills in alchemy their passion for books remained, this allowed them to escape and learn.
Reading was already one of their refuges before, as has their passion for magic and plants, which has remained intact if not more so.
It is besides this love for the magic and the plants that pushes Nehru after 2 years in Ulda’h to leave for Gridania.
Ironic when you know that their lifelong dream before the accident was to study elementalism.
But their soul has pushed them in this way despite the amnesia.

The journey was long and when they're not far from Gridania they fainted and lost consciousness a short moment after a big flash, in the Shroud.
Coincidence or destiny, it was Fufucha of the botanists' guild who found Nehru and saved them.
She allowed them to have someone to rely on and took care of them as a family member.
During the next year, Nehru was able to perfect their knowledge, practice botany and finally join the Elementalist guild.
As time went by, they began to train more and more in combat in parallel with the intense practice of white and black magic, and began to do mercenary missions with a fierce desire to help all those who had suffered the calamity.

So agreeing to join the Scions was the best thing that ever happened to them. All these companions became close friends, some they consider part of their family and they would do anything for them.
Nehru became a strong and loyal person, with a huge heart and a strong temperament with their part of light and darkness...
Always ready to give of themselves to help, difficult to manipulate and to fool.
Besides Hydaelyn's blessing and the power of the echo, the person and the fighter they have become, frank and passionate with their eccentric personnality, makes them a great ally.

"You can read her whole story in detail in the gpose fic. From childhood to the present day in EW and beyond, since I'm still creating and working on it!"

"I don't care if it sounds crazy, i love you"

"Fate is doing us one hell of a favor, isn't it?"

"To be soft is to be be powerful"

Gpose fic.

To read "Crepuscule", a WoL & OT3 gpose fic:

Join the "'Crepuscule" discord server where the entire story is posted and updated in dedicated channels with the links of the post on Twitter.
In this server no interactions are needed with others, only a comments channel is here for your feedbacks along your reading.
Come to read and catch up freely and easily with their story in gpose format!
Here is a full introduction below.

"Wandering in the forest is my necessity."

"I didn't decide to become a witch. I remembered that i was one."

"To be soft is to be powerful"


I promise

Kurho’a Mhotkho


He/him- Kurho'a is a passionate arcanist and alchemist.
Endowed with a sunny and optimistic temperament, he is someone who has a huge heart. Generous, he loves to share his knowledge and to talk for hours about his work, the books he devours, about everything and nothing.
He is very close to Nehru and Ino, complicit, affectionate, he would do anything to protect them.

Toku Mhotkho


She/her- Toku, is an aetherology researcher and sage.
Cold and distant, we don't know much about her. Her only occupation, or rather obsession, is her work and her research to elaborate a new system of aetheryte.
Tyrannical and oppressive with Nehru, she made their life a living hell.

Toku'to Mhotkho - Ino


Any pronouns- Solar and very sensitive Toku'to or rather Ino as they prefer to be called, is a passionate alchemist, specialized in the making and repair of grimoire and books of all kinds.
Very close to their sibling he would do anything for them, these two confide everything, and share their common passions with joy.
They're devastated by the disappearance of 'Rrrru after their accident, but doesn't lose hope of finding them one day.

Virah'li Nodu

Spouse & Soulmate

He/They- Vi is a person with a gentle heart and a strong temperament.
Having a very free education, he learned to fend for himself with his brothers from a very young age and took off very early.
He is a talented aetherologist, very applied.
After the calamity and Nehru disparition, he drowned in work and field missions after he thought he had lost them forever, because dying of grief...
He, 'Rrrru and Raha are soulmates. Eternally in love.

G'raha Tia

Spouse & Soulmate

He/They- Raha, also known as the Crystal Exarch, is a historian from Sharlayan, intelligent, with a soft heart and a little eccentric. By his deeds of unparalleled greatness he became a hero, a hero like those he admired in his books.
Initially playing a game with the Warrior of Light while they are gathering the aethersand, he never imagined he'd fall in love and meet his two soulmates. His greatest adventure. He, 'Rrrru and Vi are soulmates, eternally in love.

Thancred Waters

Best friend

This is Thancred!

Fate really does have a way of doing things

It will be fantastic

"To be soft is to be powerful"